Womens Beautiful Hands and Nails Care Tips

Taken care palms have smooth skin and clean, equal nails. Only then there is perfect visiting-card of woman.
There is no perfect way, any ideal manner of prevention aging skin of hands. First of all, because it is very difficult to hide them before sun and indemnify in the course of homeworks. Hands fail to fabricate protective coats, because there is on them not enough suet glands. Additionally lipids are washed out by frequent plunging palms in hard water (hot water and detergents). That is why it is obliged to bet for homeworks protective gloves, latex or rubber (if you are sensitized on latex). The hardest time for palms is winter. Frosty air additionally extracts water from them, alike warmed air acts in air-conditioned accommodation. During summer, UV rays are imminent, but it is possible to prevent their destroying acting, by applying reams with filters. Distribute portion of cosmetics on palms after each washing them with delicate, glycerine soap.

Day Hand Cream

Cream for hands always should be in coverage of hand, on night case, in drawer of desk in work, in vanity case. It coats palms filter precluding from drying, and implements deficiency of lipids. Cosmetics assigned for summer can be lighted. On winter it should be more thick, more nutritious, have more oiling components: like glycerine, vaseline, sunflower oil, paraffin, ceramids or silicon. It is good, if it also has substances delaying aging of skin, preventing appearing dark spots on skin like vitamins E, A and C. Including keratin creams will also intensify nails.

Regenerate Skin on Hands and Nails

Regenerate blasted, pulled off and cracked skin. At home you can treat in heated up oil form olives palms bath, or from other vegetable oil like for e.g. from almonds, grape stones. It is proper to oil hands with thick coat of cream for night and put on warming cotton gloves. Cosmetics acts more intensively in higher temperature. Occasionally you can substitute ordinary cream for hands with facial moisturizing mask – it will even more forcefully regenerate your palm skin. Specialistic procedures form of skin improving and removing tiring of hands is executed in cosmetic cabinets.
It requires a lot of patience to weak nails for form. Any cosmetic confection and supplements of diets (vitamin, minerals) help with limited range and shows first effects after several weeks of application. However, it is proper to reach for it in order to intensify a bit nail plate. If nails divides or has unpretty form, it will suffice beautician assistance. If problem is more serious, you need to take advice of physician. You can see on your nails alarm signals, which your organism sends. Pale nails can mean deficiency of iron, blue - disturbance of heart work, yellow – liver. Concave can suggest propensity for rheumatism or diabetes, but with ditches – feed wire problems. However the most disturbing ones are those white spots, that appear as a result of deficiency of creatine or excess of urea or as a result of some kind of injury.

Without injury Manicure

On matrix of nail, alive part "producing" nail plate you can notice any damages. Such injuries happen a lot, often it emerges during practice of manicure. Any manipulations at white part of nail plate, at its base are dangerous. It is a place where alive nail proceeds to dead creature. In order to make this taking care of your nail safe, you need to learn how to make so called biological manicure. At first you need to water your nails with delicate liquid for bath (melted soap withers skin). Dry your hands oil skin around nail plate with softening liquid. After a while push them away with special wooden sticks. Don’t erase skin with pincers, because they are the biggest threat for matrix of nail. Next thing you should do is to transmit either square or almond form for your nails, using paper file covered with mineral dust (metal ones are hitching edges of nails too much). Once a month you can polish your nail plates, more often ones can make some serious damages to your nail plates, like making them too thin and too soft. Later on you can apply nutrient or enamel. For fragile nails it is better to choose those with best hardening means - nylon, titan, acrylic, lycra. Remember, that washer with acetone can also weaken your nails. It is better for you to choose confection without acetone with oily substances and vitamins.

Beautiful Nails

Fragile, weak nails protect with coat of nutrient with calcium, iron or vitamins. Although only few substances penetrates by dead plate, it is possible to have hope, that at least part of it will be built in to nail, hardening him gradually. Fast moisturizing SOS is a warm bath prepared from oil sauce and from lemon juice (proportion 3:1). Also helpful is to include for diet calcium – mineral and vitamins confections, biotone especially.

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