Beautiful Way To Remove Blackheads

You are religiously wearing SPF all year round? But are you really sure you are protected from sun damage?

Here are some tips:
  • Make sure your are protected from both UVA and UVB rays.
    UVB (burning) has a wavelength range (in nanometers) of: 280-320
    UVA (aging) has a wavelength range (in nanometers) of: 320-400 Read the label to find out what spectrum of UV rays a sunscreen blocks.
  • Choose the right ingredient. Various sunscreen ingredients are capable of covering various spectrum of sunrays. Two ingredients that cover the widest spectrum used in sunscreen nowadays include Zinc Oxide (physical blocker) and Mexoryl (chemical blocker). Many products combine several sunscreen ingredients to cover a wider range of sun spectrum.
    Make Sure your Sunblock Really Protects You

  • Apply sunscreen liberally and evenly. Studies show that the average person uses much less sunscreen than the amount needed to achieve the SPF shown on the label. Apply chemical sunscreens 15-30 minutes before sun exposure, physical sunscreens offer immediate protection.
  • Keep reapplying your sunscreen. Certain sun screening ingredients, such as Avobensene for example, are not photo-stable and tend to break down after a certain time making your skin vulnerable to sun rays. Reapply every two hours. However if you are swimming or exercising reapply more often.
  • Don’t forget your ears. Don't forget to apply sunscreen to areas that are commonly neglected, like the ears, hands, neck, and feet.
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