Best tips for Skin Clear and Healthy

A clear and healthy skin will seem a distant reality if you do not maintain personal hygiene. Washing your face at least twice a day, refusing to share towels, protecting your skin from dirt, are some basic measures you need to follow. In addition, keeping your skin always moisturized, protecting it from the harsh UV rays, and cleansing your skin regularly can help you attain that goal of an immaculate skin. While makeup is definitely a mantra to be followed, experimenting should always be minimal, for less is always more when it comes to cosmetics. The most important ways to keep your skin healthy and glowing go as follows:
Drink: Water, Juices, Herbal Teas
The world diets, and they lose the charm and glow their skin once had. We, on the other hand, gain more and more of it, and lose weight too. How? Let me explain. Water is your key to an immaculate skin, for it flushes out all the toxins in your body, and renders glow to your face. The more water you drink, the more quickly it works on your skin by keeping it hydrated. In addition, a glass of fruit juice a day is always an added advantage because fruits contain vitamins that are highly essential for the skin. Eat: Vegetables, Fruits, Anything that’s not Junk
You may have tried a gamut of face creams and cosmetic products. However, there is no substitute to the vitamins you get from eating fruits and vegetables. Eating a bowl of fruits on a daily basis will make your skin glow like none other. On the other hand, including lots of green leafy vegetables can go a long way towards giving you that clear complexion you always wanted. As an important clear skin tip, there’s one thing I need to say – stop surviving on junk food. The saturated fats and the oil they have will wash away all your efforts of maintaining a clear and healthy skin.
Apply: Moisturizers, Sunscreens, Massage Oils
Here comes your favorite section. Beauty products. Well, to start with, always keep your skin hydrated by applying a moisturizer. A face moisturizer need not be an expensive one – you could always use natural face moisturizers to hydrate your skin. Skin that is dry most of the time soon loses all its sheen, and automatically looks unhealthy. What’s more, in order to sustain that clarity and glow on your skin, never.
Avoid: Cigarettes, Alcohol, Stress
You really wouldn’t want toxins to make your skin miserable, would you? It’s high time you gave up on smoking and drinking, for they have toxins that automatically affect healthy blood circulation in your body, leading it to deteriorate. Excessive smoking will damage your skin cells, create dark-circles under your eyes, and make you look much older than you actually are. Clear, youthful skin will soon be a thing of the past. Needless to mention, alcohol has its own set of effects on skin – acne eruptions being the most common.
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