Best Tips for Acne

A clean and beautiful skin is a gift from God. But some people are endowed less than others in this regard. If you are one of those people, no need to despair, take heart and read on and find out what treatments are available and what you can do to help yourself!
What is Acne?
Acne is a skin condition marked by pimples, such as white heads, blackheads, or even raised, red ones that hurt.
These pimples show up on the face, neck, shoulders, and/or back.
Our body has oil secreting glands called , sebaceous glands which are present inside the hair-collicles. These glands are in a higher concentration on face, neck and back.
Trouble starts when the ducts of these glands get clogged with oil secretions and bacteria. That is the basis of Acne formation.
Acne mostly strikes teenagers and young adults. For some, acne, or the scar it can leave, persist into adulthood.
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